Fact file template

Last updated: 30/04/2024
Contributor: Teachit team
Fact file template
Main Subject
Key stage
English: Writing different text types
Resource type

This fact file template is a versatile and engaging printable that can be adapted to various subjects, allowing children to express and deepen their learning in a structured and creative way.

What’s included?

  • Free printable A4 fact file template with writing lines
  • Editable A4 fact file templates — choose from portrait or landscape, writing lines or blank boxes, or adapt in Word to suit the needs of your class (subscribers only)

How to use these fact file templates with KS1

Fact file templates can be incredibly versatile in a key stage 1 classroom. Try using the templates across subjects to allow children to express their understanding in a creative way.

  • Literacy: Children can create character profiles from their favourite stories. They could describe the character's appearance, personality, and key events they were involved in.
  • History: Children can create a fact file about a significant individual they are learning about, such as Neil Armstrong or Florence Nightingale.
  • Science: Children can create a fact file about an animal they're studying, noting its habitat, diet, and interesting facts.
  • Geography: Children can create a fact file about a country or city, including its location, landmarks, and culture.

Remember, the key is to guide children but also let them explore and express their understanding in their own way. The fact file can provide them with a structure, but their insights will fill it in a uniquely personal way.

How to use these fact file templates with KS2

Fact file templates can also be a versatile and engaging tool in the key stage 2 classroom. Here are some ideas to help deepen learning for older primary school children.

  • Literacy: Children can use them to create detailed profiles for characters in the books they are reading. They can delve deeper into the character's motivations, conflicts, and arcs.
  • History: Children can compile a fact file on a specific time period they are studying, such as the Victorian era or the Roman Empire, detailing key events, figures, and societal norms.
  • Science: Children could make a fact file about a scientific concept or phenomenon they're studying. For instance, they could create a fact file about the water cycle, photosynthesis or the solar system.
  • Geography: The templates can be used to create comprehensive fact files about different geographical features they're learning about, such as mountains, rivers, or volcanoes.

The aim is to encourage children to delve deeper into the subject matter, express their understanding creatively, and make their learning more personal and memorable. The fact file provides a clear and structured format, but the information and insights the children provide will make it uniquely theirs.

What is a fact file?

A fact file is a document that gathers and organises information about a specific topic in a structured, accessible, and engaging way. In a classroom setting, fact files can be used in numerous ways to enhance learning. They encourage children to research, summarise, and present information, developing their reading, writing, and critical thinking skills.

The structured format of a fact file supports children in organising their thoughts and information effectively while the creative aspect of designing the fact file engages their interest and allows them to express their understanding in a personalised way.

Looking for more like this?

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