Why choose English at A-level?

Last updated: 15/11/2023
Why choose English at A-level?
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This engaging careers or sixth-form open evening PowerPoint presentation is designed to help teachers to promote English Literature, English Language and English Language and Literature at A-level to new or existing students.

With examples of actors, writers, directors, astronauts and world leaders who studied English to inspire students, and a summary of the skills you gain from English, there's also a comparative summary of pass rates and A*-C grades to show the huge range of benefits of taking an English A-level and to provide an exciting showcase for the subject. 

You'll find quotations to celebrate English and a Three Clues guessing game to showcase some of the exciting careers students could go onto after studying English.

There's also an accompanying printable worksheet with cut-outable game cards and other activities for students to complete to support the presentation. 

With the numbers of students studying English at A-level falling, this presentation seeks to celebrate our wonderful subject and to persuade students of its many virtues. 

Why choose English at A-level? Because English is a stepping stone to a wide range of careers and develops students' oracy and communication skills — and their command of English  in a way that no other subject can!  

An example slide from the open evening presentation, Why choose English?: 

What does studying English actually mean?

You’ll develop a range of skills:

Research skills — invaluable for details-based work in a future job or at degree-level study.

Communication skills vital for expressing your ideas succinctly, and maintaining positive personal and work relationships.

Crafting arguments great training for negotiating future job promotions and pay increases, and for degree-level study.

Attention to detail develop your ability to zoom in on specific elements so you can present the big picture.

Ability to analyse understand and interrogate things in greater depth.

Command of language present arguments, ideas and materials with clarity, force and precision.

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