Dystopian fiction scheme of learning

Last updated: 15/11/2023
Contributor: Katy Hamilton
Dystopian fiction scheme of work
Main Subject
Key stage
Resource type
Scheme of work
Student activity

Helpful in extending students' knowledge of genre and authorial motivation, this useful PowerPoint resource (with accompanying student worksheet) enables students to explore the creativity and thematic significance behind some key examples of dystopian fiction. 

Designed for KS3 students, this dystopian fiction scheme of work or scheme of learning contains 10 lessons, with a range of targeted activities aimed at developing the students' understanding of dystopian narratives. 

The flexibility of activity and task choice appeals to a variety of different learning styles and supports students in their analysis of generic structures and language concerns. 

A sample extract from the resource:

Dystopian settings

Read the extracts from both texts.

  • Which words would you use to describe the atmosphere in each extract?
  • Identify two techniques used in one extract to create this specific atmosphere, relating it to dystopian fiction.
  • Write a paragraph, explaining how the techniques create this dystopian atmosphere.
  • Use evidence and analyse how the author’s language use is creating these effects.

Dystopian atmosphere and tone

Which words would you use to describe the atmosphere in each extract?

Identify two techniques used in one extract to create this specific atmosphere, relating it to dystopian fiction.

Write a paragraph, explaining how the techniques create this dystopian atmosphere.

Use evidence and analyse how the author’s language use is creating these effects.

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