Climate change quiz

Last updated: 15/11/2023
Climate change quiz
Key stage
Resource type
Form tutor

This climate change quiz is ideal for Earth Day on 22 April or World Environment Day on 5 June. Use it as a starter for a key stage 3 geography lesson on climate change or to spark discussion with your tutor group during form time.

Do your students know how human activities impact global temperature and contribute to the greenhouse effect? Can they identify the key greenhouse gases and the places most affected by global warming?

The questions also touch on the loss of biodiversity, greenhouse gas emissions from food waste, and the countries with the highest carbon emissions.

This thought-provoking PowerPoint quiz includes tips on how students can reduce their own carbon footprint and help their school increase its sustainability.

One of the questions from the quiz:

Which of the following are greenhouse gases?

A. Carbon dioxide

B. Water vapour

C. Methane

D. All of the above

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