Classroom management for effective learning – Jade Pearce webinar for Teachit Talks

Last updated: 15/11/2023
Classroom management for effective learning PowerPoint slide
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In this 30-minute CPD video and accompanying PowerPoint resource, Classroom management for effective learning, Jade Pearce talks about strategies teachers can implement in the classroom to support effective learning.

About the speaker:

Jade Pearce is an assistant headteacher for teaching and learning in a secondary school in Staffordshire. She is an evidence lead for the Research Schools Network and a member of the EEF ‘Expert Voices' group and the ‘Raising the Attainment of Disadvantaged Youngsters’ (RADY) group.

She's also a popular conference speaker and author of What Every Teacher Needs to Know: How to embed evidence-informed teaching and learning in your school (2022), a summary of 20 prominent research papers on effective teaching and learning. 

An extract from the accompanying CPD PowerPoint: 

High expectations

  • Determines instruction, behaviour and outcome
  • Pygmalion effect

Behavioural expectations

  • Explicitly teach behavioural expectations
  • Identify and challenge behaviour that does not meet expectations
  • Use acknowledgements rather than praise when expectations are met

Academic expectations

  • Challenging material/concepts
  • Challenging tasks
  • Challenging questions
  • Scaffolding
  • Ratio – all students are cognitively active cold call, wait time, independent practice, whole-class response systems, no opt out.

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